Node JS Internship In Ahmedabad

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Node Js Training Course

Node.js, a server-side JavaScript runtime, has transformed the way developers approach building scalable and high-performance applications. With an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, Node.js excels in handling concurrent connections. It empowers developers to use JavaScript on both the client and server sides, fostering seamless, efficient, and real-time application development.

Course Curriculum


Overview of Node.js
Installation and Setup
Introduction to npm (Node Package Manager)
Writing and Running Basic Node.js Scripts

Understanding Asynchronous Programming
Callback Functions
Promises and Async/Await

Creating and Importing Modules
NPM Packages and Dependency Management
Building and Publishing NPM Packages

Creating a Simple HTTP Server
Routing and Handling HTTP Requests
Express.js Framework for Web Applications

Designing RESTful APIs
Implementing CRUD Operations
Middleware in Express.js

Connecting to Databases (MongoDB, MySQL, or others)
Performing CRUD Operations with Databases
Database Migrations and Seeding

Implementing User Authentication
Token-based Authorization
OAuth and Social Authentication

Introduction to WebSockets
Building Real-time Chat Applications
Using for Real-time Communication

Unit Testing with Mocha and Chai
Mocking and Stubbing
Integration Testing

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Secure Session Management
Implementing HTTPS

Handling Errors in Node.js
Logging Best Practices

Deploying Node.js Applications
Containerization with Docker
Load Balancing and Scaling Strategies

Microservices Architecture
Communication between Microservices
Service Discovery and Orchestration

Introduction to GraphQL
Building GraphQL APIs with Apollo or Relay
Consuming GraphQL APIs

Developing a Full-Stack Node.js Application
Project Presentation and Code Review