React JS Internship In Ahmedabad

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React Js Training Course

React.js, developed by Facebook, is a JavaScript library that revolutionizes the way we build user interfaces. Known for its component-based architecture and virtual DOM, React enables the creation of dynamic, efficient, and responsive web applications. With its declarative syntax and reusable components, React has become a go-to choice for modern, interactive web development.

Course Curriculum


Overview of React.js
Setting up a React Development Environment
Introduction to JSX (JavaScript XML)
Creating and Rendering React Components

Functional Components
Class Components
Props and PropTypes
State and Lifecycle Methods

Event Handling in React
Controlled Components
Forms and Form Validation
Uncontrolled Components

Introduction to React Router
Route Parameters and Query Strings
Navigation Guards and Redirects

Local State vs. Global State
Context API for State Management
State Management Libraries (e.g., Redux)

Introduction to Hooks (useState, useEffect, etc.)
Custom Hooks
Rules of Hooks

CSS-in-JS Libraries (e.g., styled-components)
Pre-processors (e.g., SCSS)
Theming and Styling Best Practices

Fetching Data with Fetch API
Making API Requests with axios
Handling API Responses and Errors

Unit Testing with Jest and React Testing Library
Snapshot Testing
Mocking API Requests

Identifying Stateful and Stateless Components
Best Practices for Component Composition
High-Order Components (HOCs) and Render Props

Introduction to PWAs
Service Workers and Offline Support
Deploying PWAs

React Transition Group
Animating React Components
Gesture-based Animations

Building Accessible Components
ARIA Roles and Attributes
Testing for Accessibility

Deploying React Apps to Hosting Platforms
Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
Versioning and Release Management

Building a Full-Stack React Application
Project Presentation and Code Review